how to give ?

The ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation, which has been recognized as a public utility since 2008, supports the development of ISAE-SUPAERO and the projects of its students and teacher-researchers thanks to the contributions of its sponsors, companies and individuals.
You want to build your project
philanthropic ? We are here to support you.

individual or company ?


Whether you are an alumnus, a parent of a student or a fan of the aerospace industry, whether you live in France or abroad, you have the opportunity to contribute to the success of the next generation of engineers. There are several ways to support your organization with associated tax benefits.


Supporting the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation as a legal entity (companies, SCI…) also allows you to benefit from significant tax advantages. Find out how you can support the project on the corporate sponsorship page.

types of donations

By virtue of its status, the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation is authorized to receive gifts, bequests, donations and other gifts, in cash, real estate or property. You can therefore build your philanthropic project by deciding to act today with a one-time donation or a long-term donation, but also by choosing to pass on assets during your lifetime or to make inheritance decisions so that your action can survive you.

one-time donations

By giving today, you will be part of those who make the projects of ISAE-SUPAERO students grow every day.

To do this, you can:

  • Donate by credit card or check through our form 100% secure online payment system
  • Donate by bank transfer by sending us an email to so that we can send you our bank details

regular donations

This long-term commitment allows the Foundation to have visibility on its actions in the longer term.

Adapted to your budget throughout the year, your regular donation can be modified or stopped at any time at no charge by phone, email or mail.

To become a regular donor you can:

  • Donate by direct debit using our form 100% secure online
  • Send us your request by email to


A donation allows you to pass on the ownership of a movable or immovable property to the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation during your lifetime. In view of the property implications of this provision, it is recommended, for the sake of legal certainty, that it be recorded in a notarial deed.

There are several types of donation, we can accompany you to the one that best suits you, for this contact us in confidence to obtain our brochure on legacies, donations and other gifts.

→ Special cases of donations:


The donation of securities (shares, mutual funds, bonds…) does not generate any taxable capital gain when it is used to reduce your Income Tax (IR). After transferring the ownership of your securities to the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation, we will issue a tax receipt for the total value of the securities donated as established on the date of the donation and you will benefit from the tax reduction on your IR or IFI, under the same conditions as a monetary donation. Your donation will be allocated to the cause or causes that are important to you.

We can accompany you in this act of generosity, for that contact us in all confidentiality to obtain our brochure on the legacies, gifts and other liberalities.


If you have an income-producing asset that you do not need immediately, you can do a DTU. In this process, you retain ownership of the property while donating the benefit of the property to the Foundation.

It can be a real estate property, whether rented or not, or a portfolio of securities (stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) from which the Foundation receives the income.


Bequeathing is a far-reaching act, in line with your values, which extends your commitment. Preparing your estate now also means ensuring that these commitments will continue and be useful over time.

As a Foundation recognized as being of public utility, we can receive all types of assets in the form of legacies: real estate, cash, company shares, works of art.

life insurance

You can designate the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation as the beneficiary of all or part of your life insurance. It is also possible to name her as a secondary beneficiary in the event of the death of the primary beneficiary you designate.

Due to its recognition as a public utility, the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation benefits from a total exemption from all taxes on assets transmitted to it by donation, bequest or life insurance.

We can accompany you in this act of generosity, for that contact us in all confidentiality to obtain our brochure on the legacies, gifts and other liberalities.

corporate sponsorship

As a sponsor, your support can take several forms: one-time support or a multi-year program for the creation of a research and/or teaching chair, the financing of a scholarship program, support for the financing of equipment or the establishment of a prize.

Becoming a corporate sponsor of ISAE-SUPAERO and its Foundation means giving life to a long-term academic and socio-economic partnership and generating benefits and visibility for all parties. It is also an opportunity to create a powerful communication tool internally with your employees, and beyond if the activities are innovative, via the organization of conferences or symposiums in the context of a chair.

Sponsorship can consist of a financial contribution, but also a sponsorship in skills and/or in kind.

Visit our page dedicated to corporate sponsorship

class gift

A Class Gift is a collective donation from the members of one or more classes, organized by the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation in order to support scholarships, the financing of equipment or other priority projects of the school. You can join the movement at any time and decide to donate to the current Class Gift, or request that a Class Gift be organized for your class!

See the current Class Gift(s)


Once you have reached a certain level of commitment, the Foundation offers to put your name on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus in recognition of your donation.

A way to show your support to future generations, to inspire them and to honor your time on campus.

Visit our dedicated page to sponsor a space

ISAE-SUPAERO foundation


I am an individual

If you live in France, by making a donation to the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation before December 31st, you can benefit from a tax reduction of 66% of the amount of the donation (within the limit of 20% of the net taxable income).

You can carry forward the tax benefit for the portion of the donation that exceeds the 20% limit to the next 5 years.

For example: a donation of 100€ will cost you 34€ after tax reduction.

If you are subject to it, you can deduct 75% of the amount of the donation from your real estate wealth tax. The annual limit of the tax reduction is €50,000, i.e. a maximum donation of €66,666. The residual fraction that did not give rise to a reduction in the IFI may be eligible for a reduction in the IR.

For example: a donation of 100€ will cost you 25€ after tax reduction.

I am a company

If your company is domiciled in France, 60% of your donation* is deductible from corporate tax or income tax up to a maximum of €20,000 or 0.5% of sales excluding VAT, whichever is higher.
The tax reduction is applicable to payments made during the fiscal years ending on or after December 31 of the previous year.

Your company can defer the tax benefit for 5 years following the year of the donation, if the donation exceeds the ceiling of 0.5% of its turnover, or if it is loss-making.

*40% for the portion of the donation exceeding €2M

Sponsorship in kind or in skills is also part of an advantageous tax framework.

For example: a donation of 100 € will cost you 40 € after tax reduction.

Visit our page dedicated to corporate philanthropy to discover the different ways to give.

donate from abroad

In which country do you reside?

I am a tax resident of a European country

The Foundation has joined the Transnational Giving Europe program, which allows residents of several European countries to benefit from the tax deductions in force in their country when they make a donation to the Foundation.

To benefit from this program, you can contact the Foundation in your country of residence: https: //

When making a donation through one of our partner foundations, please be sure to include your name and “ISAE” in the wording of the transfer. Agnès Trincal, the Foundation’s Director of Development, will help you in your approach:

The 21 European countries participating in this program can be found here: https: //

I am an American tax resident (USA)

Donors living in the United States can easily contribute to the ISAE-SUPAERO fundraising campaign by making a donation to Friends of ISAE.

This entity, registered as a U.S. 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, will allow you to take full advantage of the tax benefits inherent in your donation.

any questions?
contact us


Director of Development

+33 5 61 33 83 12 +33 6 31 31 60 19


Deputy Director of Development
+33 5 61 33 83 17 +33 6 08 09 93 80