innovative pedagogy

In order to reinforce the excellence of its training courses, ISAE-SUPAERO offers its students the opportunity to engage as actively as possible in activities complementary to traditional teaching, in order to stimulate their creativity, open-mindedness and teamwork, and also provides them with equipment adapted to the advances of new teaching techniques.

description of the action

The Foundation works alongside the Institute to support students in carrying out their extracurricular projects by allowing them to explore an alternative learning environment. Through these actions, the Foundation also enables the financing of innovative tools and infrastructures which contribute to the reinforcement of the quality of ISAE-SUPAERO’s training.

distributed in 2023

scholarships awarded in 2023

the different types of grants


Encourage the participation of students in complementary activities and support them in their extracurricular projects.

Innovative equipment

Through its fundraising activities, the Foundation helps to support the development or purchase of equipment necessary for the Institute’s development.

The InnovSpace: inaugurated in 2020, it has benefited from the support of a class gift and a collective donation from alumni, former executives and managers of the SAFRAN Group.

The future Learning Center, which is currently under construction and will open its doors at the beginning of the next academic year, represents a major investment by ISAE-SUPAERO, which the Foundation has been asked to support. A collective operation carried out among CNES alumni and employees will contribute to this and will allow the naming of one of the spaces after Professor Jacques Emile Blamont.

In virtue of other supports, other rooms and spaces are available to be nominated.

support our actions for innovative pedagogy


Innovative Pedagogy

A simulation of Martian life for 7 students of ISAE-SUPAERO

“After more than a year of work to set up our experiments in collaboration with international companies, French researchers from CNES and CNRS, as well as three high schools in the Toulouse area, we have experienced this mission as an accomplishment.

Valentine Bourgeois, second year engineer

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