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Prix Paul Lamy 2024
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On December 7, 2024, during the ISAE-SUPAERO Graduation Ceremony, the Foundation was present to present the Paul Lamy Prize, established in 2005 and awarded by the Foundation since 2021.

Ugo BONNET-LORENTEa final-year engineering student, receives the Paul Lamy Prize for his commitment throughout his studies. During his studies, he was very active and involved in the life of his graduating class. He was elected President of the 2021-2022 Students’ Bureau and a member of the ISAE ALUMNI ENTREPRENEURSHIP club. He has also been very involved, particularly in the DESIA, where he has distinguished himself. Following an end-of-study internship at startup Spaceflight Institute, where his motivation, commitment, organizational skills, communication and negotiation talents were recognized, Stéphanie Lizy-Destrez entrusted him with the role of Deputy CEO.
Congratulations to Ugo BONNET-LORENTE for this award.

Photo credits: ©Louis Derigon – ISAE-SUPAERO