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2025 Foundation Awards Ceremony
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On Thursday February 13, 2025, for the 6ᵉ year running, the Foundation Awards Ceremony, our annual scholarship ceremony, congratulated the new recipients.
Alumni, donors, staff and former beneficiaries got a sneak preview of the new projects supported in 2025!
New this year: the Jean Pierson Leadership Award 2024!
📷 Photos of the event can be found here

” I’d also like to thank the juries, because these prizes and bursaries are in fact awarded after a selection process involving many candidates. So to those of you who are going to receive scholarships and prizes, know that you have been selected, and the choice was not always easy, which means that you deserve it, so well done!
This evening, some €150,000 in prize money will be distributed, excluding the Prix Jean Pierson. Once again, thank you to all our donors. And for those of you who will be receiving help, don’t forget that when you’re in the industry, you can help too! Thank you very much! “
Marie-Hélène Baroux, Managing Director of ISAE-SUPAERO and Vice-President of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation

Presentation of the Jean Pierson Leadership Award 2024
New this year: the Jean Pierson Leadership Award was presented for the first time at our Awards Evening!
This exceptional prize, in tribute to Jean Pierson (1940-2021), who graduated from ISAE-SUPAERO in 1963, was created by ISAE-SUPAERO to reward an ISAE-SUPAERO student each year.
Launched in 2022 by the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation, this award pays tribute to Jean Pierson, a man with a particularly inspiring personality. It is thanks to the initiative and the donations of friends, former collaborators and family members of Jean Pierson as well as the support of companies in which he worked with ardor and panache, that this prize was created.
After 12 candidates had been nominated by teachers, other students or training supervisors, they were invited to submit their applications, which were then examined by the jury. After shortlisting five candidates and holding video-conference discussions with each of them, the jury deliberated to select just one.
Ugo BONNET-LORENTE, an ISAE-SUPAERO 2024 engineering graduate, was this year’s recipient of the 20,000 euro Jean Pierson Leadership Award.
Congratulations to the winner!
31 scholarship holders, 2 Entrepreneurship Start-up Scholarships and one OSE volunteer honored this year
Called by category and sub-category, the 31 beneficiaries took the floor to present their projects to the audience. A great opportunity to discover the variety of projects that will take place over the course of 2025. It should be noted that some of the grants awarded have been handed over to teachers, pending the nomination of students.

International conferences
Joseph MORLIER supports the organization of a European Workshop on MDO for industrial application in aeronautics, from June 3 to 5, 2025 at ISAE-SUPAERO. This workshop, dedicated to multidisciplinary design and optimization in industrial applications in aeronautics, will bring together leading experts from the European sector, including ONERA, DLR, IRT and Airbus.
Francesco SANFEDINO supported the organization of the “Inter-Agency GNC V&V Workshop” at ISAE-SUPAERO from July 7 to 10
2025. This working group, which brings together the space agencies NASA, ESA, CNES, ONERA and DLR, meets regularly to work on defining a framework for the Verification & Validation (V&V) of Guidance Navigation Control (GNC), a very important function in all space missions.
Mattéo GOUZIEN and Valerio LEVI supported for their participation in the PEGASUS Student Conference to be held in Prague, Czech Republic on April 24 and 25, 2025, during which they will present their work.
Scholarships will also be awarded to 3 students for their participation in the IAC 2024 conference in Sydney, from September 29 to October 3.
Reception of foreign students
Two scholarships were awarded this year to welcome two new students. These students, who will be arriving on campus at the start of the new academic year, will be designated in the next few days. During the ceremony, the two recipients of these scholarships in 2024 were honored: Magesh NACHIAPPAN and Maya OLLEIK, who arrived in the MAE program last September.
international research support
Mathilde AZAM for a 2-month research internship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston to work with a professor of oceanography specializing in the study of wormholes. A unique opportunity to study climate systems at a world-renowned university.
Damien BESSEDE for a 4-month substitution at PURDUE University, Indiana, USA. An exchange semester at the 3ᵉ best aerospace school in the USA, which will enable him to refine his professional project in the space field.
Maxence LE CLEC’H for a 6-month exchange program at the University of Tokyo in Japan. His objective: to make a long-held dream come true and take courses in the fields of aeronautics and aerospace, in particular fluid mechanics, while improving his Japanese.
Meddi MOUMOUNI for a 5-month substitution at KEIO University in Tokyo, Japan. A unique opportunity to consolidate his skills in the aerospace field while broadening his cultural horizons.
Amine BOUZERZOUR for a 5-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. This will enable him to study the formation and evolution of the planets Uranus and Neptune. A further step towards his professional goal of joining a structure such as CNES or ESA.
Laura CHOQUET for a 5-month internship in the Applied Mathematics Laboratory at Harvard University, Massachusetts, USA. This will enable her to collaborate on research combining artificial intelligence and fluid mechanics, on the subject of reinforcement control of swimming micro-robots, a promising technology for improving chemotherapy treatments by directly targeting cancer cells.
Loris DANJOU for a 6-month internship at the Svalbard University Center, Norway. The aim of the internship is to analyze archival satellite imagery to monitor key climate variables on the Svalbard archipelago. This project echoes the satellite imaging research carried out by the Institute’s Electronics, Optronics and Signal Department (DEOS).
Alex DEJOIE for a 5-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. This internship will enable him to work on the generation of digital terrain models of Europa, Jupiter’s icy moon.
Thibault GUICHANDUT for a 5.5-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. This internship will enable him to analyze scientific data from the Roman and JWST missions.
Inès MERTZ for a 5-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. This internship will focus on astrophysics, and more specifically on the detection of exoplanets as part of the development of ESA’s ARIEL mission.
Pascal VIT for a 6-month internship at Dassault Falcon Jet Little Rock (AR) USA. This mechanical engineering internship, dedicated to the operational maintenance of Dassault’s private Falcon jets, will involve producing 2D and 3D drawings in CATIA.
David BOX GARCIA for a 5-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. During this internship, he will participate in the Moonshine project, which aims to study the feasibility of a mission demonstrating autonomous navigation technology (AutoNaV) using a 12U nanosatellite platform in cis-lunar space.
Rémi CARESCHE for a 5-month internship at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland, USA. This internship in orbital mechanics will enable him to acquire advanced skills in trajectory analysis and optimization.
Ana Laura DA SILVA COSTA for a 6-month internship at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. The aim of this internship project is to develop more robust control techniques to improve the performance and reliability of vertical axis wind turbines, taking into account unstable wind conditions.
Thomas TESSADRI for a 6-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. During this internship, he will join the Exoplanet Discovery and Science division to work on the modeling of exoplanet atmospheres using the transit spectroscopy method.
Thibault WARTEL for a 4-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. During his internship, he will be working on the MuSCAT simulator, an open-source tool designed to simulate complex space missions. This simulator is used to model various spacecraft subsystems (navigation, communication, power, scientific instruments) and to test autonomy algorithms for configurations involving one or more spacecraft.
Vsevolod PEYSAKHOVICH, teacher at DCAS, for a one-month scientific stay in Bangalore, Thiruvananthapuram and Vasco de Gama in India. His project aims to strengthen and consolidate collaborations between ISAE-SUPAERO and the
main Indian institutes involved in the space program: IIST, IISc, and also the NCPOR in Vasco de Gama, for analog missions.
Francesco SANFEDINO, teacher at DCAS, for a 4-month scientific stay at Politecnico di Milano, Italy. The aim of this project is to strengthen scientific collaboration between ISAE-SUPAERO and Politecnico di Milano in the fields of :
- Vision-based navigation with cameras mounted on flexible space platforms
- Development of algorithms for reducing large finite element models in the presence of uncertainties
support for extracurricular projects
Nolan ALLEGRE and his team of students from ISAE-SUPAERO and ENCA are organizing the AIREXPO Airshow on May 10, 2025, on the theme “From Clément Ader’s dreams to modern aviation”.
Ludovic BASTIEN and the Supaero Space Section student club team support the SCALAR-6 experimental student launcher project. The aim is to bring it to fruition at C’Space 2025.
Léonie GASTEINER and the Sunspear project team within the Supaero Space Section student club supported the launch of a supersonic rocket at the EuRoC European student rocket competition. Their goal is to break the altitude and speed record for an ISAE-SUPAERO rocket.
Miyu INOUE supported for his team’s participation in the Dassault UAV Challenge 2025-2026.
Alexandre NEYRET and the ISAE-SUPAERO IEEE Student Branch team, supported in organizing a workshop on the CNES infrared detection workshop for space applications.
Jean PORCHER supported for the design, manufacture and testing of an electric monocoque car capable of being driven with a pilot and autonomously, and of taking part in Formula Student competitions as part of the Tls’s Racing student club.
Célyan FERRET for crew 311 of the MDRS mission supported for their departure to the Utah desert to work on several experiments from February 16 to March 15, 2025.
Baptiste SIGAL supported the ATLAS project, selected by CNES to take part in its next weightlessness flight campaign in October 2025. This innovative, multidisciplinary project aims to improve space surgery techniques.
As of this year, a new calendar with sessions specifically dedicated to the Bourses Jeunes Pousses Entrepreneuriat has been introduced (one session in February and one in October). Up to 4 Bourses Jeunes Pousses Entrepreneuriat will be awarded in May 2025. Antoine Barberin for the Allergenius project and Augustin Day for Galtia, Bourses Jeunes Pousses 2024, were on hand to talk about their respective projects.
This year’s speaker was Malaury Fouet, a loyal and committed volunteer with the OSE L’ISAE-SUPAERO program and head of the Campus au Féminin program. The Commitment Award was symbolically presented to her.
” Today, I love what I do: I’m a student, I’m an apprentice engineer, but I’m also a parachutist and I’m learning to fly planes. All these things I do, and I know that I do them thanks to the support of those close to me, but above all thanks to a lesson that OSE taught me a few years ago and that I’ll never forget. That lesson is that you must always dream, and never stop dreaming further. What I’m trying to tell you tonight is that there is no such thing as a typical career path. If girls and young people in general have a dream, they will always succeed in achieving it. The important thing is to help them dream, as OSE does. And maybe one day, who knows, they’ll be in my place, here, telling their story, at the Foundation’s awards evening. ” – Malaury Fouet
Thesis Awards
4 thesis prizes will be awarded in December 2025.
After just over an hour of ceremony, guests were invited to join the École’s reception hall for a cocktail aperitif. Many thanks to all participants for attending this not-to-be-missed Foundation event!
The event in pictures!
Photo credit: Louis Derigon