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4th Edition of the Scholarship Award Ceremony
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For the4th consecutive year, the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation’s Annual Scholarship Award Ceremony was an opportunity to congratulate the new scholarship recipients. After the last two editions in visio, it was a joy to hold this event on campus on Wednesday, February 15.
Alumni, donors, staff and former beneficiaries were able to preview the new projects supported in 2023!
📷 Photos of the event can be found here

The President and Vice President of the Foundation open the ceremony
” It is thanks to you, to your donations, that the Foundation can support all these projects, of which there are 25 this year. The role of the engineer is increasingly crucial, and it is thanks to them that we will be able to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050 for our sector. I believe in it. We need all these engineers who are and will be trained, and what we are trying to do at the Foundation is to help prepare all this by supporting ISAE-SUPAERO students every year. “
Philippe Forestier, President of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation

” The Foundation’s support is an essential element in helping the Institute grow and fulfill its mission. Thank you to all our patrons and donors: your contributions make a real difference, as you will see in the next hour! A small message to the beneficiaries of these grants, in particular to the students among them: congratulations you benefit today from the support of the Foundation and the ISE-SUPAERO community to realize your projects. “
Olivier Lesbre, Director General of ISAE-SUPAERO and Vice President of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation
A Great Witness and a Godmother
More than 80 people gathered to attend the ceremony which took place in amphitheatre 1 on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus. Among them, alumni, donors but also many ISAE-SUPAERO staff, as well as some of our former beneficiaries that we were happy to see again! Jean-Louis Marcé, Secretary of the Foundation, announced the categories of scholarship recipients who had been designated a few days earlier.
” These projects that you will discover tonight are grouped into 6 categories. We are pleased to present this year 25 scholarships designated by the Project Selection Committee which met on Friday, February 10, and for which I thank the other 6 members who compose it. “
Jean-Louis Marcé, Secretary of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation
Each year, this ceremony is an opportunity to honor a Great Witness to thank them for their commitment to the Foundation. We would like to thank Abdoulaye Samba, S 1977 for playing this role for this 4th edition. He succeeds Jacqueline Cohen-Bacrie, Matthieu Ponin-Ballom and Jean Lamy. Abdoulaye Samba has spent most of his career at MBDA. A loyal donor since 2016, he stressed the importance for him to contribute today through his donations to support ISAE-SUPAERO students since he himself was a scholarship recipient when he was a student.
Word of the great witness
Abdoulaye Samba

Promotion S 1977, Abdoulaye Samba has spent a large part of his career in the MBDA company. He will be speaking at this 4th edition of the award ceremony as a Grand Witness
“Having received a lot, it seemed natural to me to give my financial support to the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation and to promote as much as possible this Institute which trained me to the management of my company, which is also a sponsor of ISAE-SUPAERO. I am pleased that these donations will be used to help ISAE-SUPAERO students, particularly on innovative projects, and to develop the School’s influence so that it can maintain its level of excellence and its world ranking. These projects and developments must contribute to meeting the immense challenges that lie ahead, particularly those of the ecological transition and sustainable development. I hope that today’s students and young alumni will continue to keep in touch with the school, and provide the essential material support to the Foundation in order to finance the projects that are essential to develop the influence of ISAE-SUPAERO.”
A word from the godmother
Julie Devaux

A young graduate, class of 2020, has taken on the role of sponsor for this 4th scholarship ceremony. Julie Devaux, Junior Data Consultant in Toulouse is extremely involved in the life of the Institute, the Foundation and the ISAE-SUPAERO Alumni Association. Already involved with the ISAE-SUPAERO Equal Opportunity Program during her studies, co-delegate of the Entretiens de l’Excellence Toulouse 2023 and member of the Board of Directors of the Alumni Association of which she is also a very active member of the Toulouse Group, Julie is very close to the ISAE-SUPAERO community.
“A little later, as a class representative, I was able to discover how much influence the Foundation has on the Institute and the scholarships that will be distributed tonight are an example of this. Through these scholarships, the Foundation allows you to meet, share and accomplish. Today, I am still involved as a volunteer for OSE ISAE-SUPAERO and it seemed natural to me to add to this commitment in time, a financial commitment. With these donations, I wish to support the Institute in its ambitious projects, whether they be research, educational or student projects. The projects in which I have been lucky enough to participate and which have been supported by the Foundation have always been human adventures that have allowed me to become the engineer I am today; an engineer who is passionate and committed to society.“
Thanks to Julie Devaux and Abdoulaye Samba
for having honored us with their presence!
25 scholarship recipients honored for 2023
Called one by one by category, the 250 recipients, divided into 6 categories, took the floor to present their project to the public. A great opportunity to discover the variety of projects that will take place during this year 2023. Namely, some of the supports granted were given to professors or department while waiting for the students to be designated.

International conferences
Robert DI GIUSEPPE, Enrico TORMENA and Catarina LOBO, who have received support for their participation in the PEGASUS Student Conference to be held in Rome on April 14 and 15, 2023, during which they will present their work
Sara GALZINATO, for the participation to the 33rd AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting in Austin, Texas, USA from January 13 to 21, 2023
Guilhem MICHON, for the organization of the Resonance Conference at ISAE-SUPAERO in July 2023. A conference on Vibro-Acoustics that will gather about 250 participants.
Emmanuel Zenou represented the team of 2 to 4 students (selected later) who will participate in the IAC 2023 which will take place in Baku in Azerbaijan next October
Reception of foreign students
Pascale Rigaud, Director of Training at ISAE-SUPAERO, represented the 3 beneficiaries of scholarships for foreign students in Master’s and Engineering courses who will be designated during the year to start their studies at ISAE-SUPAERO next September
international research support
Jules GOMEL, for a 5 months internship at Drexel University in Philadelphia, USA. His departure is scheduled for March 2023 and will allow him to expand his experience in neuroengineering.
Solène GERIER, currently a doctoral student at the DRRP-DEOS-SSPA, for a 3-month stay at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Caltech in California, USA. This will allow him to work on the exploration of the interior of Venus by probing the signals propagating in the atmosphere.
Bastien SCHNITZLER, currently a doctoral student at DAEP, for a 3-month stay at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Boston, USA. His stay will allow him to work on his thesis subject oriented by the Mermoz project of crossing the Atlantic with an autonomous drone.
Leandro Lustosa, teacher at DCAS, for a 2-month stay at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. The subject of the stay concerns a very flexible solar aircraft demonstrator for which a new avionics technology has been developed and will be tested.
Josuah PIEPPER-MEA, for a 5-month student mobility at the Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands in which he will be involved in research projects concerning the sustainable development and preservation of the ecosystems of the island of Palma.
Estelle CROUZET, currently in Master TAS ASTRO, for a 6 months mobility at the University of Boulder in Colorado, USA. This departure will take place within the framework of the work developed for the SacLab Chair, particularly on the subject of space debris management.
Álvaro Martínez Sánchez, currently in MAE2, for a 4-month student mobility at Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachussetts, USA. This mobility will allow Álvaro to work on the reduction of the aerodynamic drag of the planes.
Julien RONDEY, currently in Master TAS Astro SEEDS, for a 6 months mobility at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center – Maryland, USA. This internship will give Julien the opportunity to work on the identification of critical functions and the investigation of the elements that contribute to the success of a phase of the MSR-ERO mission.
Miriam SCARANO, currently in MAE2, for a 6 months summer internship to work on HIRAD – High Reliability Aerospace Design at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. The objective of this internship will be to work on the HIRAD project which consists in developing innovative design methodologies for UAVs and vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft.
Charles MILLANCOURT, currently in hissecond year of engineering studies, will spend 4 months at the University of Toronto to get closer to his goal of working in aerospace engineering.
support for extracurricular projects
Thomas BIDAULT and his team which gathers students from ISAE-SUPAERO and ENCA in order to organize the AIREXPO Airshow which will take place on May 13th 2023.
Alice CHAPIRON and crew 273 of the MDRS mission for their departure to the Utah desert to work on several experiments from February 12 to March 11, 2023.
Mourad CHITACH and his team, for the participation in the Dassault UAV Challenge organized by the Daussault Aviation Group. Mourad’s team has been selected for the finals to be held on April 29 and 30, 2023, where they will present their project of delivering medical equipment by drone.
Céline FRISCH and her team for the organization of the 13th edition of the EAG (European Aerostudent Games), an international sports competition organized by students, which will take place from 23 to 26 March 2023. This tournament gathers 25 French and European universities of the PEGASUS network and will welcome up to 1200 participants.
Marien GIORDANI and its Supaero Drone Section team for participation in the Design, Built, Fly competition, consisting of the design, manufacture and flight testing of an aircraft subjected to several missions around the theme of “Electronic Warfare,” which will take place at TUCSON from April 13 to 16, 2023.
Antoine RIEUNEAU and his teammate Ilias Baali, for the realization of the EUROTOUR “Electric” project from 23 to 30 April 2023. The EUROTOUR project, well known at ISAE-SUPAERO, will be carried out this time with an electric aircraft in order to take into account current environmental issues.
Lilian ROCCHI and his team of 8 students in apprenticeship within the FISA curriculum for the realization of a solidarity project which will take place in Africa in partnership with a French NGO in order to solve problems of access to water.
Corentin TRAN and his team for their BasC project, a project to help reduce the environmental footprint of student activities, particularly in terms of carbon.
Bastien FABRE and his team, for their project of laser powering of a drone in flight which would concern autonomous systems such as drones, agricultural robots… in order to increase their autonomy and mobility.
Presented by Emilie Teyssedre, in charge of the Cordée OSE at ISAE-SUPAERO. This program of the School, managed by the Fodnation, is possible thanks to the commitment and the mobilization of a team of 3 persons but also of the students of ISAE-SUPAERO, the alumni, the teachers-researchers and all the staff of ISAE-SUPAERO who participate in its execution as partners… In 2021-2022, 900 middle and high school students will be monitored in order to overcome gender barriers and stereotypes, and 4,000 young people will be impacted by the actions of the Equal Opportunity Program.
Thesis Awards
Maxime Casalis, Director of Research and Educational Resources, came to represent the future recipients of the thesis awards, of which there will be four in December 2023.
After the one-hour ceremony, guests were invited to join the campus restaurant for a cocktail reception. Thank you to all participants for attending this first event of the year!
The event in pictures!
Photo credit: Aude Lemarchand