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Women on campus! With OSE ISAE-SUPAERO
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On January 19 and February 2, ISAE-SUPAERO welcomed middle and high school girls during two events co-organized by the Cordée OSE, ISAE-SUPAERO and the ISAElles Association.
The goal?
Awareness of the engineering professions!

80 high school girls and 150 college girls
These days, initiated in 2016, are co-organized by OSE the ISAE-SUPAERO in collaboration with ISAelles. They illustrate the desire of the Institute, its equal opportunity program and the Foundation to strengthen actions to raise awareness of girls to higher education and scientific studies.
The day in pictures 📷
(Photo credit: Club Rafale and ISAelles)
Coming from partner schools of the ISAE-SUPAERO OSE program, the girls were able to discover the engineering profession with women with inspiring backgrounds and participate in workshops on deconstructing gender prejudices in scientific studies with Association Femmes et Sciences.
This event was fortunate to have as a sponsor, the astronaut instructor Laura André-Boyet! A big thank you to her for her presence and her testimony.
Workshops to discover the engineering professions
Several workshops punctuated the day for the middle and high school girls.
– Stereotype deconstruction workshop: volunteers from the Femmes et Sciences association present clichés on gender in order to better deconstruct them. The students will then have the opportunity to discuss these stereotypes with female engineers and students through various activities.
– Women’s journey: women engineers who have chosen to participate in the day present their profession and discuss with the students through an object representing their activities.
– Workshops at the InnovSpace: the innovation and creation space on campus where students develop numerous projects will be part of this day in order to introduce high school students to women creators of startups.
– Flight simulator workshop: during this workshop, the students experience their first flight and discover a research department of ISAE-SUPAERO.
A big thank you to the ISAE-SUPAERO Research Department for welcoming the schoolgirls!
Between these workshops, a lunch was held with women engineers from science and other fields of expertise. An opportunity for high school girls to engage in discussion about their profession or studies.

Women’s Campus Day, an event at the heart of the Semaine Nationale des Cordées de la Réussite
The National Week of the Cordées de la Réussite took place from January 16 to 21, 2023. This week is an opportunity to remind middle and high school students what the “cordées de la réussite” are: actions carried out to promote equal opportunity through reinforced support measures towards higher education set up for students. And this is exactly what the ISAE-SUPAERO social outreach program, supported by the Foundation, is all about.
OSE ISAE-SUPAERO, labeled Cordée de la Réussite in 2009, is one of the 24 other “heads of cordée” of higher education institutions in the Academy of Toulouse. Its actions are multiple on the campus and with high school students of partner institutions:
> 𝐓𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭: through weekly tutoring sessions in 9 partner schools, face-to-face & remotely, as well as federating weekends, tutors and mentees build together their path to tomorrow.
> 𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬:
– In collaboration with the Mars Club: through a whole range of projects and popularization interventions, the Mars Club reveals the secrets around the space sciences and the universe.
– In collaboration with Supaero For earth: students discover, alongside ISAE-SUPAERO students, the stakes of sustainable development through Climate Frescoes, 2tonne Workshops and low-tech activities.
> 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐮𝐞𝐢𝐥 𝐝’é𝐥è𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐝𝐞 𝟑è𝐦𝐞: each year, ISAE-SUPAERO welcomes students in 3rd grade classes from partner schools to do their professional discovery internship.
> Equality between girls and boys: A total of 90 high school girls were welcomed on January 19 to participate in 4 workshops that allowed them to meet, listen to and exchange with women engineers working in the scientific world! The next Campus au féminin day is scheduled for February 2, but this time it will be for college girls.
Between these workshops, a lunch was held with women engineers from science and other fields of expertise. An opportunity for high school girls to engage in discussion about their profession or studies.