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13th Entretiens de l’Excellence in Toulouse
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Held on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus, this event gives young people the chance to talk to professionals with inspiring backgrounds, and to find out more about the business sectors, professions and prospects of the future.
The 13th edition took place on January 27, 2024.

A major event in terms of information and guidance, the Entretiens de l’Excellence day is part of the “Semaine Nationale des Cordées de la réussite”, in partnership with the INP, INSA Toulouse, Université Paul-Sabatier and IMT Mines-Albi, and TBS Education.
This event is a continuation of the ISAE-SUPAERO OSE “Cordée de la réussite” initiatives. Les Entretiens de l’Excellence and OSE l’ISAE-SUPAERO share the same ambition: to make career guidance a real lever for equal opportunities. The aim of the event is to raise awareness among middle and high school students of the existence and workings of vocational streams, while giving them the keys to success in their training path.
The speakers (entrepreneurs, senior civil servants, researchers, academics, lawyers, engineers, journalists…)are there to present the higher education courses they have taken, to talk about their professions, and to encourage young people to get involved. by answering all their questions without taboos and insisting on the importance of not putting up barriers.
1,200 students and accompanying adults present
This year, 750 young people were able to exchange views with inspiring professionals from 18 different sectors. They were lucky enough to be given keys to success for the various training courses.
The following sectors were represented:
Aeronautics and space, Art, culture and heritage, Communication, digital entertainment, digital, Construction, architecture and design, Business creation and management, Defense and security Law and justice, Education and research, Environment and sustainable development, Hospitality and tourism, Health professions, Finance professions, Sales professions, Animal-related professions and agriculture, Politics and society, Digital sciences and technologies, Industrial sciences and technologies, Sport, Transport and logistics.

Parents and carers had the opportunity to attend workshops on careers guidance.
4 workshops were offered to parents and carers: information and discussion on higher education, Parcoursup procedures, the careers of the future, and tools to help students choose the right course. These workshops were run in partnership with Rectorat de l’académie de Toulouse, JobIRL, Pro Avenir Jeunes, Tutorat Associatif Toulousain, Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III and ISAE-SUPAERO.