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2021 Awards Ceremony at the Talent Night
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On December 3, 2021, during the ISAE-SUPAERO Talents Evening, the Foundation awarded the thesis prize, the entrepreneurship prize and the Paul Alain Lamy prize for the year 2021. Congratulations to the 8 winners!

Thesis Award
They are 5 to have received a prize to reward them for the quality of their thesis, congratulations to Audrey Bigand, Andrea Brugnoli, Pierre Lavoie, Leo Martire and Marine Ruffenach, winners of this year. The awards were presented by Marc Pircher, the treasurer of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation, accompanied by the host of the evening Bruno Mallet, in order to discuss the thesis topics of the winners. Two of the winners were unfortunately unable to attend and spoke on video.
Audrey Bigand for her thesis: evaluation of damage in composite structures in aeronautics generated by lightning stress
► His thesis in video
Andrea Brugnoli for his thesis: modeling and symplectic discretization of flexible port-Hamiltonian structures
► His thesis in video
Pierre Lavoie for his thesis: immersed boundary method for the modeling of aircraft icing in flight
► His thesis in video
Leo Martire for his thesis: Characterization of Infrasound in the Coupled Solid-Atmosphere System: Numerical Modeling, Earth and Planetary Applications
► His thesis in video
Marine Ruffenach for her thesis: optimization of detector heads to measure protons and electrons of the terrestrial radiation belts in a wide energy range.
► His thesis in video

Entrepreneurship Award
Two winners were called this year to win the entrepreneurship award. Benoit Floquet representing the association Tirelires d’Avenir and Nicolas Heugas for the start-up Bee Ready. Both were able to introduce themselves and their companies and associations. The awards were presented by Jean-Louis Marcé, Secretary of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation.
Nicolas Heugas (I 2019) for Bee Ready, a training platform for deferred video interviews which is a new selection method increasingly used by companies. Faced with the increase in recruitment by this means and candidates having difficulty preparing for it, the start-up Bee Ready offers a solution. Aimed at all candidates for deferred video interviews and more broadly at all candidates for job interviews, the start-up provides free mock interviews in real conditions.

Benoit Floquet (I 2020) for Tirelires d’Avenir, an association created in March 2020, which supports young adults in a situation of family rupture. The first form of support is financial aid that the association provides to young people between the ages of 18 and 25 to help them meet their daily needs. In addition to that, Tirelires d’Avenir has identified a real need for social links so that these young people are not excluded. As a result, a mentoring program was created between the youth supported and a young volunteer. Since its inception, Tirelires d’Avenir has supported more than a hundred young people in need and continues today with its mentoring program in Paris.
Learn more about Tirelires d’Avenir

Paul alain lamy award
Gautier Champion, a third-year engineering student who will graduate in 2021, receives the Paul Lamy prize for his involvement, motivation and curiosity about the business world. Very involved throughout his studies, Gautier was an active member of the SUPAERO SPACE SECTION in which he was in charge of the mechanical pole and then project manager for the GRIFFON hybrid thruster project. He is also an active member of SUPAERO Junior Conseil, the Junior Enterprise of ISAE-SUPAERO.
After completing two internships, he obtained in 2021, in addition to his engineering degree, the DESIA, a graduate degree in business engineering.
This prize, created in memory of Paul Alain Lamy (S 1995), who died prematurely in 2002, is financed by his partner and friend, Florent Moïse and his wife Andréa.

Photo credit: Aude Lemarchand / ISAE-SUPAERO