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5th edition of the Scholarship Award Ceremony
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On Thursday, February 15, 2024, for the 5th year running, the Fondation ISAE-SUPAERO’s annual Scholarship Award Ceremony was an opportunity to congratulate the new recipients.
Alumni, donors, staff and former beneficiaries were given a sneak preview of the new projects supported in 2024! A ceremony under the sign of commitment!
📷 Photos of the event can be found here

” There are old, not so old and very young people here, and it’s all a chain of solidarity. You young people, remember that one day you’ll be less young, that you’ll have resources you don’t have today, and that it’ll be your turn to be in my place, in theirs, to consolidate this ambition. The Americans call it “give back” and give back is important. The French school system has given you a lot, this school has put you in orbit, and you’re going to have a great career. (…) So remember: the give back! “
Stéphane Albernhe, President of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation

” In total, the Foundation now provides us with almost 2 million euros a year, which is very significant for an establishment of our size, and it is thanks to this that we are able to develop our activities to fulfill our ambition: to assert ourselves as world leaders in higher education in aerospace engineering, and to engage in sectoral transitions. […] Thank you to all of you who support us and make this possible, thank you to all the patrons and donors who are here this evening. It is your generosity that enables ISAE SUPAERO to continue training the engineers of tomorrow. “
Olivier Lesbre, Director General of ISAE-SUPAERO and Vice President of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation
A Grand Witness and a Sponsor
Around a hundred people attended the ceremony, which took place in Amphi 1 at ISAE-SUPAERO.
Among them, alumni, donors but also many ISAE-SUPAERO staff, as well as some of our former beneficiaries that we were happy to see again! Agnès Trincal, Director of the Foundation, announced the categories of grant recipients designated a few days earlier by the members of the Project Selection Committee.
Each year, this ceremony is an opportunity to honor a “Grand Témoin” among the Foundation’s donors. We’d like to thank Thierry Pardessus, S 1982, for taking on this role for the 5th edition. He succeeds Jacqueline Cohen-Bacrie, Matthieu Ponin-Ballom, Jean L. Lamy and Abdoulaye Samba. A loyal donor since 2012 and involved in the Foundation’s governance as Treasurer between 2013 and 2020, Thierry Pardessus confided in us the reasons for his commitment.
Word of the great witness
Thierry Pardessus (S 1982)

Thierry Pardessus (S 1982) has spent a large part of his career working for Airbus. A key witness at this 5th edition of the Scholarship Award Ceremony, he talks about his loyal commitment to the Foundation, for the benefit of his school:
“The commitment is the result of a meeting between my intention to help ISAE-SUPAERO a little more concretely and the context of the Foundation. I’ve been a donor for quite some time, and a significant one at that, because I believe that the cause of the School, the cause of higher education, the training of engineers in today’s complex world, is a major issue that deserves a little time, a little self, a little money. “
A word from the sponsor
Alexandre Barata (S 2013)

Alexandre Barata (S 2013) took on the role of sponsor for this 5th edition of the scholarship award ceremony. A loyal and usually anonymous donor, he has chosen to come out of the shadows to testify to his commitment to the Foundation:
” One of the reasons I became a donor is that I was lucky enough to be helped to live elsewhere, and I want to give a helping hand to those who come after […] Keep in mind that, through this Foundation, it’s a bunch of passionate alumni who want to help you, who are proud of what you’re doing. This band is wider than it looks; many remain anonymous and wish to give a helping hand, be it a substantial or modest contribution. We support your projects. Go ahead, try it, go for it! It probably won’t be a smooth ride, but that’s part of the charm. And if it doesn’t work, don’t worry, just try again.
To conclude, I’d say: be proud of what you’ve achieved. Please continue. Get started on your projects. Make your dreams come true. We’ve got your back. And above all, treat yourself! “
Thanks to Alexandre Barata and Thierry Pardessus
for your invaluable contributions to this event!
33 grantees and 3 former grantees honored this year
Called by category and sub-category, the 33 beneficiaries took the floor to present their projects to the audience. A great opportunity to discover the variety of projects that will take place over the course of 2024. It should be noted that some of the support granted has been given to teachers, pending the appointment of students.

International conferences
Martín PASCUAL ALBERICIO, Carmelo SIMON SORIA, and Ivan GONZALVEZ TAMARIT for their participation in the AIAA SciTech Forum and Exposition 2024 in Orlando, Florida from January 8 to 12, 2024, where they were able to present their work.
Kathan BHAVSAR and the Section Drone team, supported for their participation in the Design, Build, Fly (DBF) from April 18 to 21, 2024 in Wichita, USA.
Mickaël CAUSSE, supported for the organization of the International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems from May 16 to 17, 2024 in Toulouse.
Alejandro HERRERO CARRERA for his participation in the Junior Enterprises Europe Winter Conference 2024.
Leandro LUSTOSA, teacher at DCAS, for Krishna Murali and Elena Ponce Moreno’s participation in the IEEE Conference, May 13-17, 2024 in Yokohama, Japan.
Valentin MAZIERES for the organization of the International Electric Propulsion Conference (IEPC) in June 2024 in Toulouse.
Anna BARRAQUÉ, Francesco LEONARDI and Adèle SHI supported for their participation in the PEGASUS Student Conference to be held in Terrassa, Catalonia, on April 26 and 27, 2024, during which they will present their work.
Scholarships will also be awarded to 3 students for their participation in the IAC 2024 conference in Milan, from October 14 to 18.
Reception of foreign students
Two scholarships were awarded this year to welcome two new students. These students, who will be arriving on campus at the start of the new academic year, will be designated in the next few days. At the ceremony, the two recipients of these scholarships in 2023 were honored: Katherine Mulry, who arrived in the MAE program last September, and Daniel Zayat, in the engineering program.
international research support
Oriane LEHMANN for a 5-month substitution stay at Technische Universität München, Germany, to deepen her knowledge of energy and the environment.
Charles MILLANCOURT for a 6-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. This will bring him one step closer to his career goal: working in aerospace engineering.
Minh-quan NGUYEN for a Substitution before Césure Diplôme at the University of Sydney to complete a Master’s degree in Data Science. His professional goal: to use artificial intelligence, data science and operations research to contribute to the technological, economic and ecological sustainability of the aerospace sector.
Raphaël TINEBRA for a 6-month substitution at the University of Tokyo in Japan to validate his diploma and fulfill a long-held dream essential to his academic and professional development.
Gustavo ASAI for a 6-month internship at SAM XL – Delft, Netherlands, to continue the cooperation already initiated by a professor from ISAE-SUPAERO and TU Delft, but also to develop his knowledge of mechanics, printing and robotics, and to pursue this subject as a thesis next year.
Mathéo FOUCHET for a 5-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. This will enable it to study the propagation and visualization of seismic waves produced by meteorite impacts on the Moon.
Mathilde GUITTON for a 5-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. This internship will enable him to take part in a cosmology research project and clarify his desire to write a thesis in this field.
Julien THAU for a 5-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. This will enable him to work on a new concept for a space gravimetry mission applied to the study of the internal structure of small asteroids.
Thomas RABY for a 6-month internship at Dassault Falcon Jet Little Rock (AR) USA. This will enable him to work on the Falcon10X project within the Manufacturing Engineering team.
Axel COULON for a 6-month internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Caltech, California, USA. The aim of this internship is to study the impact of poorly textured or repetitive terrain on the ability to perform mapping localization from an aerial vehicle, and to develop and implement operational constraints and mitigation measures for future Mars Science Helicopter (MSH) flights over these types of terrain.
Ricardo LOZANO ORTEGA, currently a doctoral student at DCAS, for a 5-month internship at PURDUE University, Indiana and SAN DIEGO STATE University. His research focuses on trajectory generation and optimization for autonomous spacecraft under conditions of navigation and propulsion uncertainty.
Tomohiro ISHIZUKA, currently a PhD student in the DCAS Advanced Space Concepts group (SaCLaB chair), for a 6-month internship at the University of Colorado, BOULDER, USA. His research focuses on the development of guidance technology for asteroid exploration missions.
Benjamin BOBBIA, DISC teacher, for a 3-month stay at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. His research focuses on modeling intense solar flares.
Sébastien SCANNELLA, DCAS teacher, for a 6-month stay at Drexel University in Philadelphia between January and July 2025. As a teacher-researcher in neuroergonomics, this project will lead to an innovative method for assessing the effects of cognitive training on learners, whether students, professionals or patients undergoing functional rehabilitation.
Dennis WILSON, DISC teacher, for a 3-month stay in Japan. The aim of this stay is to study the application of interpretable artificial intelligence for modeling the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). The aim of this research project is to demonstrate the importance of aerospace engineering for environmental applications.
support for extracurricular projects
Ziad EL ASMAR and the Sentinel team for their participation in the Dassault UAV Challenge on May 24 and 25, 2024. They are planning to build a fixed-car remote-controlled aircraft.
Maïlys EVEZARD for her participation in the Tour Aérien des Jeunes Pilotes (TAJP). TAJP is a summer university promoting light aviation. Since 1953, it has united 45 young pilots over 2 weeks for 30 hours of flying.
Erin POUGHEON for crew 293 of the MDRS mission for their departure to the Utah desert to work on several experiments from February 18 to March 16, 2024.
Ronan REY and his team of students from ISAE-SUPAERO and ENCA are organizing the AIREXPO Airshow on May 11, 2024, on the theme “Conquering the skies”.
Raphaël TINEBRA for his participation in the 4L Trophy with his crew. This car raid is for young people under the age of 28, and is run exclusively in Renault 4 cars. The raid, involving several thousand cars, brings toys and school supplies to Morocco, as well as a few tons of food and a few thousand euros in donations.
This year, the project selection committee did not award any seed grants. 4 Bourses Jeunes Pousses Entreprenueriat will be awarded in May 2024. Joseph Risson, 2023 recipient, was present to talk about his Viraj H2 project.
This year, the floor was given to Jules Paindessous and Odile De La Rue, loyal and committed OSE L’ISAE-SUPAERO volunteers since they joined the Institute. The Commitment Award was symbolically presented to them on behalf of all OSE volunteers.
” This award is in recognition of the commitment we have shown during our 3 years as volunteers at ISAE-SUPAERO. Through a wide range of scientific, sporting and cultural projects, we have been able to meet hundreds of students from the region’s middle and high schools, helping them to overcome obstacles and build a future project that matches their dreams. “ Jules Paindessous
« On a personal level, from our integration to our graduation, the OSE program has been the framework for the development of a commitment to citizenship and solidarity. It has enabled us to become humanist engineers, and for that we thank you for your support. ” – Odile De La Rue
Thesis Awards
4 thesis prizes will be awarded in December 2024.
After an hour and a half’s ceremony, the guests were invited to join the School’s reception hall for a cocktail aperitif. Thank you to all participants for attending this first event of the year!
The event in pictures!
Photo credit: Louis Derigon