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Joseph’s testimony
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As part of the Foundation’s year-end appeal for donations, some students testified to the importance of their support in their schooling.
Find in this page the complete testimony of Joseph Risson and in our brochure the extracts.

Joseph Risson, is a 2A ISAE-SUPAERO student-engineer, involved in the ISAE-SUPAERO equal opportunities program OSE and President of the ISAE-SUPAERO Aeromodelling Club. In 2022, he received a support of 2 500€ for his project of flying wing KESTREL, VTOL with hydrogen. Today, with the help of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation, he could start his own business.”
“I am eager to take action to decarbonize the sector.”
“When I was 5 years old my father took me to the top of the Pyla Dune. There, he offered me a remote-controlled glider that we flew, I was amazed and it never left me. At the age of 10, I started building my first kit wing all by myself. I still have it today and it is still operational. After that I started making my own models and followed the path of aerodynamics. ISAE-SUPAERO is the school I’ve wanted to join since I was 12 years old.
Today, we necessarily wonder about the future of aviation, about the potential of technological advances, about the balance to be found while respecting the physical limits. As for me, of course I would like to continue to travel as I did with my parents when I was younger and enjoy the freedom to travel.
But I am also aware of the limits. Today, things have to change and in order to continue to use airplanes, we have to question their use.
The link between the Foundation and my projects is certain. I was supported by the Foundation to work on our vertical take-off flying wing powered by a hydrogen fuel cell. The goal behind this project was to learn about hydrogen propulsion. Indeed, few training courses still exist on this subject and it is indeed there that I think I can have an impact in a universe that I am passionate about. That’s why, with the help of about fifteen active members of the School’s Model Aeroplane Club, we set up this project and we are happy to see that it is continuing today, taken up by the first-year students.
To share this knowledge, we also received a request for a mini conference for alumni, which was a highlight and an exercise that I am not used to. In addition to training ourselves, it gave us the opportunity to speak with many professors and many companies. The project has created a lot of interest around us and outside.
I am aware of the environmental challenges of air travel as well as the limits of its solutions. This is what motivates me to be part of the decarbonization of the sector as soon as I leave the School. I would like to be actively involved in the development of the hydrogen aircraft, to have a real impact. Doing it with friends and in a group is even better.
All these last experiences made me want to start my own business. Currently, I am working on a business project for a hydrogen power train. That’s where I want to be and where I want to put my energy. And I know that the support provided by the Entrepreneurship Foundation can be a game changer.”
“When the foundation gives us money it shows that they trust us and believe in the project, it’s motivating.”
“At the time, the Foundation provided us with crucial support to purchase the components needed to build the expensive flying wing. The fuel cell alone represented 6,000€ of the 10,000€ required for the construction. This support was of paramount importance to our project.”
I find Joseph’s testimony in the December 2022 brochure.