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7th patron-scholar meeting
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On October 12, 2023, for the 7th year running, the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation organized a meeting between representatives of corporate sponsors and scholarship-holders on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus. The meeting was attended by 19 of the 23 international students benefiting from scholarships for excellence awarded as part of a chair or specific program financed by a company or the Foundation.

At 1:30 pm, the 19 scholarship students were welcomed by Olivier Lesbre, General Manager of the Institute, and representatives of the sponsoring companies (Airbus, MBDA, Fondation ISAE-SUPAERO).
Unfortunately, some students were unable to attend due to exams.
The afternoon was a great opportunity for Airbus, MBDA and the Foundation to share a convivial moment and discuss the career paths of each of the international students on the Master of Science in Aerospace Engineering (MAE) or Engineering courses at ISAE-SUPAERO. Coming from 12 different countries, the scholarship holders were able to discuss their plans for the future.
- Renaud Bellais, Institutional Advisor at MBDA,
- Pierre Passot, R&T Strategic partnerships France at AIRBUS and holder of the CEDAR Chair for the research part,
- Agnès Trincal, Director of Development, ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation

[Les bénéficiaires des bourses d’excellence de la Fondation ISAE-SUPAERO avec Agnès Trincal]

[Les bénéficiaires des bourses d’excellence Airbus avec Pierre Passot]

[Les bénéficiaires de bourses d’excellence de MBDA avec Renaud Bellais]

(Agnès Trincal, Olvier Lesbre, Renaud Bellais and Pierre Passot)
The Excellence Scholarship Program
at ISAE-SUPAERO, what is it?
This program was born with the aim of supporting the international attractiveness of ISAE-SUPAERO, by attracting and welcoming the best foreign students to the Institute. Once selected, students receive a grant to cover their living and training expenses, in the engineering or Master’s cycle, financed by companies within the framework of a chair with the Institute and its Foundation. Thanks to the generosity of individual donors, the Fondation ISAE-SUPAERO also awards its own annual scholarships for excellence to international students wishing to study at ISAE-SUPAERO.
In 2023, 23 students will benefit from excellence scholarships from corporate sponsors or the Foundation.

[Exchanges between Pierre Passot and the beneficiaries].

[Discussions between Renaud Bellais and beneficiaries].