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A look back at the 2022 Greeting and Scholarship Ceremony
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In order to adapt, once again this year, to the standards imposed by the health context, the 2022 ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation’s greeting and award ceremony took place in a hybrid manner on Thursday, January 27, 2022.

More than 90 people connected to follow the event!
The 44 scholarships were symbolically awarded live from a TV set installed in ISAE-SUPAERO’s InnovSpace. Connected since Zoom, the 29 beneficiaries designated by the Project Selection Committee, which met on January 21, were able to express themselves and present their projects.

A word from the president
Philippe Forestier

The President of the Foundation, Philippe Forestier, introduced the event by pronouncing his wishes for the year 2022.
“I would first like to thank the corporate sponsors who support the development of research and training at ISAE-SUPAERO. [One of the Foundation’s major challenges in 2022 will be to open up the spectrum of industrial sectors in order to forge new alliances where the excellence of our engineers’ training and their skills in the aerospace field are recognized, appreciated and sought after. The aerospace sector has always been a source of inspiration for many other industrial sectors, with its highly technical nature and its demand for excellence, as is the case for energy, transport, digital technology, consulting and finance.
[…] I would also like to warmly thank the 657 individual donors (alumni, parents of students but also simple enthusiasts or friends of ISAE-SUPAERO) who have shown their confidence in 2021 for their generosity.
A word from the general manager
Olivier Lesbre

Olivier Lesbre, Director General of ISAE-SUPAERO, spoke from the stage about this past year
In the face of difficult circumstances the Institute and its students have shown resilience, thanks in part to the Foundation. Indeed, in the face of the distressing situations that were perceived on the part of students, we appealed to the support of the Foundation’s donors last spring and I wanted to say thank you again, a very big thank you for your reactivity, for your response to our appeal, which indeed enabled us to rescue students who were in situations, for some, very difficult. Much of what we have accomplished in 2021 has been possible thanks to the support of the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation, thanks to the donations of individuals and patrons. Patronage has accounted for nearly 5% of our resources over the past years and this allows us, I would say, to make a difference. This 5% allows us to finance the most innovative projects, to stay ahead of our competitors and this is essential for us. It is also something that allows us to strengthen our ties with the alumni and with the companies behind these donations.”
A word from the sponsor
Matthieu Ponin-Ballom

As a Grand Witness, Matthieu Ponin-Ballom, S 2015, shared his commitment to the Foundation and the ISAE-SUPAERO OSE program. Now a Lieutenant-Colonel in the French Air Force and a fighter pilot, Matthieu Ponin-Ballom has been involved since his graduation from ISAE-SUPAERO as a donor to the Foundation as well as a sponsor of the Institute’s equal opportunity program.
“My meeting with the OSE team at ISAE-SUPAERO was a trigger and allowed me to participate at my humble level in the fight against inequalities in education. I am delighted to see that donations to the Foundation can support the actions of OSE, the financing of these scholarships tonight, as well as the influence of the ISAE-SUPAERO school. […] I really wanted to pay tribute to this community of values that unites us, be it the Foundation, ISAE-SUPAERO, the Armed Forces in general, around fraternity, mutual aid, cohesion and surpassing oneself: fundamental values that it is essential to inculcate in young people, this ceremony is also an opportunity to share these values and I am happy about that.”
After unveiling the different categories of scholarships, Jean-Louis Marcé and Marc Pircher, respectively Secretary General and Treasurer of the Foundation, called on the 2022 scholarship winners to introduce themselves.

International conferences
Robin BOITTE, who participated in the AIAA SciTech 2022 conference held in San Diego in early January 2022
Emilie Robert represented the ISAE-SUPAERO IEEE Student Branch team, an association of PhD students that will organize an international conference on earth observation in September 2022.
Emmanuel Zenou, Deputy Director of International Relations at ISAE-SUPAERO represented the team of 7 students who will participate in the IAC of PARIS by presenting their papers next September.
Emmanuel Zenou also represented the team of 3 students who will participate in the PEGASUS conference that will take place in Pisa from April 20 to 22, 2022. (PEGASUS: Association of European Universities in Aeronautics and Space).
Nathan Magnan, X-SUPAERO // Lucas Lange, Engineer // Antonio Finozzi, double degree with Milan
Reception of foreign students
Yahia BENDRAZ joined the engineering program with the goal of pursuing a career in the electrification of aerospace systems.
José NEVES joined the engineering program in the 2nd year in order to pursue a career in Automation and Signal Processing in connection with the aerospace sector.
Caroline BERARD, Director of Training at ISAE-SUPAERO, represented the 2 recipients of the Scholarships for foreign students in Master’s program who were designated: Jacob AMALER from South Africa and Inês AFONSO, from Lisbon.
international research support
Raphaël GARCIA, teacher-researcher at ISAE-SUPAERO, for the hosting from April to July 2022 on the campus of Prof. Dr. R. M. M. B. B. Petculescu, a specialist in wave propagation in carbon dioxide atmospheres.
Joseph MORLIER, teacher-researcher at ISAE-SUPAERO, for his stay from April to July 2022 at the DELFT University of Technology and the University of Illinois / Michigan – to work on the eco-design of tomorrow’s structures
Annafrederica URBANO, teacher-researcher at DCAS, supported for her stay at Stanford University, California to work on fluid mechanics.
Félix POLLET, supported for a research internship at Concordia University in Montreal on high reliability drones (March to July 2022)
Xiaoqi XU, supported for a research internship at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne to work on the mental load of pilots
Youness IDLAMINE, student in 2A, supported for a research internship in a laboratory in Singapore, work on the thermal and mechanical structure of micro satellites
Marion LEBRUN, student in 3A, supported for an internship in Stockholm within the company CorPower Ocean (conversion of marine energy into electricity)
Elena LOPEZ-CONTRERAS-GONZALEZ, 3A engineering degree in research, supported for an internship in a research laboratory in Harvard on neuro-ergonomics (teleoperation and cognition) (6 months in Boston) – (April – September 2022)
Lucien MAUVIARD-HAAG, currently in a year of study during which he did two internships in astrophysics. He is supported to do a substitution semester at the University of Tokyo.
Cecily NOAILLAC, in her last year at ISAE-SUPAERO and Master student at the Ecole de la Météo. She is supported for an internship in Svalbard, Norway to study the polar upper atmosphere.
Dilan PORTELA, in his last year at ISAE-SUPAERO, supported for an internship at the JPL, USA to work on a cubesat for the exploration of the solar system and especially on the Artemis program.
Nina MOËLLO, currently in her 2nd year of the Master aerospace engineering, supported to do an internship at Concordia University in Montreal for 6 months from next spring to work on unmanned aircraft projects.
Devonjit SAROYA, in his last year of a Master’s degree specialized in space systems and supported for an end-of-studies internship at MDA in Montreal as a Mechanical Engineer.
support for extracurricular projects
Louis ALLOUCHERIE represented the EUROTOUR team composed of 3 students and pilots: Martina Preti (2A), Thomas Bonnaud (2A) and Louis Alloucherie (3A by apprenticeship). Eurotour is a student initiative to promote ISAE-SUPAERO to 3 European universities.
Julien AMITRANO represented the SCube team or Supaero Space Section, a technical club of ISAE-SUPAERO which aims to develop ambitious projects in space engineering with in particular the AEther project, a supersonic rocket project powered by a 100% student hybrid engine.
Valentine BOURGEOIS represented the 263 crew of the MDRS mission, an analogous mission of Martian life that will last three weeks during which the crew will conduct various scientific experiments.
Augustin GALLOIS represented the PARABOLE 2022 team for the Lotus project. This Lotus project, composed of an international team of five members, was selected by competition to the Parabole 2022 project of CNES and Novespace. The objective of the project is to test the deployment of origami structures in microgravity, modeling spatial structures such as innovative habitats or resource reservoirs.
Luis Garcia-Mozos represented the 9-person AIM team. Artery In Microgravity (AIM) is a project to study the effect of microgravity on arteries with coronary disease. The project has been selected by the ESA Academy under the ‘Orbit Your Thesis’ program and will be operated in the ISS with the Space-X 25 mission in May 2022.
Carl Guignon represented the 7-person team of the Green Campus Week project, whose objective is to demonstrate that it is possible to reconcile a rich student life with an eco-responsible lifestyle on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus through the implementation of various workshops and conferences.
Mehdi HAJJARABI represented the 27-member team of the EAG project (European Aerostudent Games), a 4-day sports tournament gathering more than 1,000 European aeronautics students and members of the Pegasus network.
Clément LONEUX represented the 10-person team of the OBELIX project that will take part in the “Move on the Moon” competition during the 73rd edition of the IAC in Paris from 18 to 22 September 2022. The objective of the project is the realization of a spacecraft allowing individual lunar mobility for the spacemen.
Alexandre MARION represented the Airexpo team, the association made up of students from ENAC and ISAE-SUPAERO and which organizes the air show of the same name. This year, the 36th edition will take place on May 14, 2022 and the theme will be “Aerial innovation through the ages”.
Nicolas PIRONNET represented the team of 14 students in Specialized Master TAS Astro who will participate in the program SEEDS (SpacE Exploration and Development Systems) 2022. This program is the result of a partnership between three prestigious universities: Politecnico di Torino, University of Leicester and of course ISAE-SUPAERO.
Joseph RISSON represented the team of 10 students of the KESTREL project. A project to design and manufacture a hydrogen powered VTOL flying wing. Initiated by the aeromodelling club and driven by the desire to provide a demonstrator of tomorrow’s carbon-free aviation.
Presented by its Director Cécile Latournerie, the ISAE-SUPAERO OSE program is supported by ISAE-SUPAERO students, alumni, teacher-researchers, all ISAE staff… In 2015, 320 students were tracked, today we are at 900 students tracked. It is a program that has grown enormously both in terms of the number of young people accompanied and the students involved (150 students and 50 alumni involved today). It correpsond to a need in terms of support, school ambitions for priority neighborhoods but also rural areas.”
Thesis Awards
Rob Vingerhoeds, Head of the Department of Complex Systems Engineering, came to present, on behalf of Grégoire Casalis, Director of Research and Pedagogical Resources of the Institute, the thesis prizes which will be 4 and awarded in December 2022.
Thank you to all the donors and congratulations to all the scholarship recipients!