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A seminar to question the transition for 1A
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Last May, the 1st year students had the opportunity to go to Barèges for 3 days as part of a seminar aimed at making them question the issues facing our society. This 3-day “off-site” project, which took place at the beginning of May, was launched by Caroline Bérard and her team and supported by the Class Gift of the classes of 2011, 1981 and joined by the 2001.

Helping students move forward in their careers to meet the challenges of our society
This was the strong bet of the project launched by Caroline Bérard and her team, who thought and organized these 3 days “outside the walls” in the heart of the Pyrenees, at the military post of the 1st regiment of parachute hussars in Barèges.
Three days to propose a systemic approach to the challenges of the ecological transition coupled with personal development coaching. These are important elements for students who are increasingly questioning the meaning of their work and their impact on society.

Introspection, openness, transition for 200 students
Meaningful workshops to question the place of the first years as an engineer and citizen.
200 first-year students present
10 speakers specialized in the various subjects
More than 20 workshops on different themes
On the program for these three days, relevant, rich and varied workshops around the ecological and energy transition and personal development such as desirable imaginaries, deep ecology (work that connects), critical thinking, debate, group dynamics, sobriety, non-violent communication, storytelling, meditation, yoga, permaculture, cooperation, professional dreams or even the construction of curricula
A project supported by three classes of alumni
Between them, the classes of 2011, 1981 and 2001 raised 28,155 euros, which directly contributed to the realization of this seminar, which was rich in self-discovery and collective intelligence workshops on ecological issues. The Class Gift organized around this “training course” had mobilized more than 54 alumni who felt concerned by these questions about the ecological transition and wanted to support the 1A students in their quest for meaning. Thank you to all the donors for their involvement in this project.
Words and testimonies of the organizing team
The word of Caroline Bérard, project leader: ” And a big thank you to all the alumni, […] who made this possible, by contributing to the funding of this activity. […] your donations were useful and put to good use! “ LinkedIn Post
The word of Pierre-Marie Guineheuc, member of the project team: ” […] Thanks to the three classes of the Class Gift 1981-2011-2001 who have invested as donors to help finance this project through the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation. “ LinkedIn Post
Students’ words and testimonies
“I found the workshops very fruitful: it had been a few weeks/months since I had the impression that I was stagnating in my thinking about the environment and the future, and thanks to this stay I feel like I have taken a new step in this thinking, thanks to the workshops but also to the discussions with professors, speakers and students. “
“I left with a lot of doubts and questions about my future choices. The workshop that marked me was “”Toi ça va la transition”” because I was able to become aware of my involvement in the environmental cause. This workshop also made me think about my desires, my ambitions and my future and taught me to listen, especially by letting people speak freely.
“In addition to being really great, this stay is important because it allows us to take a break with courses that are much more oriented towards relationships, social ties or the environment. It is also a real moment of cohesion.”
“The trip was a great experience for the whole class! I think that the workshops and the fact that the school organizes such a seminar shows the importance of ecology within the school! We were all thinking accordingly to the ecological impacts we have!
“A concern for the environment that translates into a great investment on your part: it is very appreciable. A very rejuvenating stay in the nature “
“This stay allowed us to discover the other people in the class in a different setting, pushing us to reach out to others. The workshops, allowed us to initiate a discussion and exchange on deep topics with people we don’t necessarily get to know on a daily basis.”
“It was a very break from the general Supaéro curriculum which was more interested in the human side of our environment and ourselves, which we are not used to.”