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Beneficiaries, they testify
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Supported by the Foundation to make their projects a reality, some of our beneficiaries testify to the importance of feeling supported.

In 2021, donor commitment supported 57 beneficiaries.
Today, discover 5 testimonialsIn this section, we present the testimonies of 5 beneficiaries who illustrate the 5 axes supported by the Foundation through its actions. These actions are possible thanks to the donors who have placed their trust in us and who support the students, doctoral students and teacher-researchers of
ISAE-SUPAERO for turn their ambitions into reality.
THE testimony of Emilie Robert

Beneficiary via the research and teaching axis
Emilie completed her PhD at ISAE-SUPAERO and graduated as a Doctor in March 2022. At the end of her thesis, she leaves for an internship at the Rochester Institute of Technology, thanks to donors, in order to complete her thesis results on Martian image processing. From April 1st, she joins the CNES in order to carry out a postdoctorate.
Within the Munsell Color Science Laboratory (MCSL) team I had the opportunity to complete my thesis results before starting the writing of my manuscript. This mobility at the end of the thesis allowed me to define the terms of the postdoctoral project in collaboration with ISAE/CNES/RIT that I will start as soon as I obtain my PhD title in March 2022. The work will then focus, in connection with my thesis work, on the processing of Martian images to verify their color fidelity.
I thank the Foundation and its donors, without their help and that of the ISAE-SUPAERO doctoral program, my stay at the Rochester Institute Of Technology, which brought me a lot on all levels, would not have been possible!
THE testimony of Benoit floquet

beneficiary via the entrepreneurship axis
Benoit co-founded Tirelires d’Avenir while he was still a student at ISAE-SUPAERO. With his partner, he wants to help young people in a situation of family break-up and precariousness by providing them with financial assistance and support through mentoring. A graduate since 2021, he now employs 5 people with his partner. Tirelires d’Avenir still has many projects to develop to help young people in precarious situations!
Thanks to the support of donors, I was able to find my way, that of a committed entrepreneur who puts his skills at the service of building a better world by co-founding “Tirelires d’avenir”, an association that helps young people in situations of family breakdown and acts for their inclusion. The support received by the Foundation allowed us to finance the beginning of our adventure to help the first young people and to allow the hiring of a person in alternation.
Since the launch, about 50 people have participated in the mentoring program and about 100 young people have received financial assistance. The team has also grown, we are now 7!
THE testimony of valentine bourgeois
Student in 2A

beneficiary of the international outreach axis
Valentine is in his second year of engineering studies and is a member of the MDRS 263 crew of ISAE-SUPAERO. For 3 months with 6 other students, she went to the Utah desert to simulate Martian life and to perform many scientific experiments. The MDRS (Mars Desert Research Station) is a research laboratory simulating what could be a manned base on the planet Mars and which hosts researchers and engineering students for missions.
The MDRS 263 crew is a team of 7 students from ISAE-SUPAERO who have embarked on an ambitious project: to spend 3 weeks in the Utah desert to simulate life on Mars. After more than a year of work to set up its experiments in collaboration with international companies, French researchers from the CNES and the CNRS, as well as three colleges and high schools in the Toulouse area, crew 263 is currently experiencing this mission as an accomplishment. The Foundation has provided us with a rare and precious help by supporting our project. We are all very grateful to our donors; their gifts and commitment to the Foundation make projects like ours possible.
The complete 263 MDRS crew

THE testimony of loris danjou
Student in 1A

volunteer with the ose l’isae-supaero program supported through the diversity and social openness axis
Loris is one of the ISAE-SUPAERO students involved in the school’s equal opportunity program. Currently in his first year, he is involved with the OSE team at ISAE-SUPAERO to help middle and high school students with their academic orientation. The ISAE-SUPAERO OSE program supports more than 700 young people each year through tutoring and workshops given by ISAE-SUPAERO students. A civic commitment that allows students, future engineers, to convey values of humanism and solidarity.
I decided to join OSE ISAE-SUPAERO to allow young people to feel the same joy that I felt when I joined ISAE-SUPAERO: the joy of having realized a project that we had for a long time. This program also brings me a lot personally and professionally, for example by allowing me to develop my teaching skills. I warmly thank the donors of the Foundation. I am convinced that the actions they finance will have a decisive impact on the lives of the young people with whom OSE ISAE-SUPAERO intervenes!
The testimony of Clément Loneux
Final year student

beneficiary via the innovative pedagogy axis
Clément is currently in Master TAS Astro and is part of the Move on the Moon project of ISAE-SUPAERO. The objective of this project, which the donors have supported, is the realization of a device allowing individual lunar mobility for the spacemen. The Move on the Moon project is a continuation of the multipurpose lunar rover project of the SEEDS program, which was also supported by the Foundation.
The exceptional and life-saving support of the Foundation will allow me and my team of 9 students from ISAE-SUPAERO to push back the frontiers of what is possible for the realization of our project. Together, we can already flesh out and support our electric lunar rover project with material achievements. It is finally partly thanks to the donors that we will be able to wear the colors of our school at the International Astronautical Congress, in Paris, in September 2022.
The entire Move on the Moon team

And if you also supported the students of ISAE-SUPAERO?