openness and solidarity

The Foundation supports the Institute in its ambition to promote and encourage access to higher education for all by assisting the most disadvantaged students or those with disabilities, as well as by supporting the ISAE-SUPAERO’s OSE Student Social Opening programs, which received the Cordées de la Réussite label in 2009, and OSE inGÉ, ISAE-SUPAERO’s new Student Social Opening program for CPGE science students since 2022.

description of the action

To promote and encourage access to higher education for all, by encouraging success through work with the ISAE-SUPAERO equal opportunity program and by supporting the most vulnerable students in emergency situations. It is this ambition that the Foundation follows by strengthening the spirit of solidarity and promoting social diversity within the Institute.

Learn more about the OSE ISAE-SUPAERO program supported by the Foundation.

distributed in 2023
by the Solidarity Fund

projects conducted by OSE ISAE-SUPAERO in 2020/2021

the different types of support


To provide financial assistance to students who, during their studies at ISAE-SUPAERO, face financial, psychological or material difficulties, or need special support related to their disability, in order to enable them to continue their studies on campus.


To provide the OSE ISAE-SUPAERO program with the additional means to deploy and reach the ambition of accompanying more and more young people (objective of 1,000 high school students by 2026), as well as to carry out its new actions in the direction of scholarship students in preparatory classes.

support our actions for the axis of openness and solidarity


Openness and solidarity

Student Volunteer with the Equal Opportunity Program

“It was a great feeling of success for me to arrive at ISAE-SUPAERO, I had worked hard for this and it is important for me to share my knowledge, skills and motivation with high school students to enable them to succeed in their own study project.

Loris Danjou, first year engineer

discover the testimony

dare the isae-supaero

Created in 2006 and awarded the Cordées de la Réussite label in 2009, ISAE-SUPAERO’s Student Social Opening program is committed to educational equity and better professional integration for all. It is supported by the Groupement des Industriels Français de l’Aéronautique et du Spatial (GIFAS) and the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation.