6, 04 2022 | Our beneficiaries, Testimonials
< back to testimonials Beneficiaries, they testify Published on Supported by the Foundation to make their projects a reality, some of our beneficiaries testify to the importance of feeling supported. In 2021, donor commitment supported 57 beneficiaries. Today,...
17, 03 2022 | Research and teaching, Testimonials
< back to testimonials IEEE student branch 2021 Published on The ISAE-SUPAERO IEEE Student Branch Association, which brings together a dozen students and PhD students from ISAE-SUPAERO, has been organizing numerous networking events and conferences since 2017. The...
12, 01 2022 | Research and teaching, Testimonials
< back to testimonials 2 months in the USA for Emilie Published on Emilie Robert, doctoral student at DEOS/CIMI (ED-AA) and whose thesis is on the science of colors, went on a research exchange to the USA at the Munsell Color Science Laboratory (MCSL) in Rochester....
1, 11 2021 | International influence, Testimonials
< back to testimonials Marion, 5 months away to discover the world of ecological transition Published on From January to June 2021, Marion was able to go to Norway, at NTNU, to do a substitution. A destination chosen because of its strong involvement in the...
15, 10 2021 | International influence, Our beneficiaries, Testimonials
< back to testimonials Berkeley to major in Machine Learning, Fintech and Data Science Published on A year ago, Paul returned from an 18-month stay in the USA where he had gone in 2018 to complete an MSc in Aeronautics & Astronautics at Stanford University. We...
26, 05 2021 | International influence, Testimonials
< back to testimonials Participation of 3 students in the PEGASUS 2021 conference Published on The PEGASUS student conference provides an opportunity for students to practice presenting papers at scientific meetings. The ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation, thanks to the...