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The Foundation DARES (OSE) to encourage the feminization of the aerospace sector
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As part of International Women’s Rights Day, the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation and its Student Social Opening team would like to take a look back at several actions carried out in recent weeks to promote the feminization of the aerospace sector:

Since 2006, ISAE-SUPAERO’s Student Social Opening program, which was awarded the “Cordée de la Réussite” label in 2009, has been committed to educational equity and better professional integration for all. The program is aimed at middle and high school students from disadvantaged neighborhoods and isolated rural areas who have demonstrated a high level of motivation. It helps them build and succeed in an ambitious academic and professional project.
OSE InGÉ, created in 2022, is ISAE-SUPAERO’s new “Ouverture Sociale Etudiante” program for CPGE science students. This program consists of personalized support for girls and scholarship students throughout their CPGE studies in order to help them build their future plans and develop their ambitions.
To find out more, go to the dedicated page.
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Journée campus au féminin collège on March 7, 2024 :
Following on from the high school girls’ day on January 18, it’s now the turn of middle school girls to spend the day at ISAE-SUPAERO to find out more about the engineering professions. Divided into 3 groups, guided by ISAE-SUPAERO engineering students, the girls discover the campus and take part in several workshops throughout the day: discovering the careers of women scientists, a workshop on deconstructing gender stereotypes, building model rockets and touring the entire School.

Parcours au Féminin podcast :
As part of the Campus au Féminin program, students from our Cordée de la réussite partner schools were able to talk to female engineers with inspiring backgrounds and produce 15 podcasts about their professions and career paths. These podcasts, recorded in the companies of our sponsors, were produced with the help of trained students and teachers.
To listen to the podcast, click here.
Post’her project:
The Post’her project continues to promote women scientists by creating Wikipedia pages and posters. Today the project includes :
- 4 support students
- 12 scientific personalities honored
- 190 schoolchildren involved in the project
This year, a sound exhibition was added: middle and high school students enrolled in the project were able to record the text of their wikipedia page. QR codes were then added to the exhibition posters to enable listening during the visit.
Post’her is an itinerant program that can now be found at various locations in the region, as well as in local secondary schools.