1, 03 2021 | International influence, Testimonials
< back to testimonials 18 months at Stanford for Paul Published on A year ago, Paul returned from an 18-month stay in the USA where he had gone in 2018 to complete an MSc in Aeronautics & Astronautics at Stanford University. We look back at his diploma course!...
3, 02 2021 | Innovative pedagogy, Our beneficiaries, Testimonials
< back to testimonials A look back at the SEEDS XII project Published on The SEEDS project was supported in 2020 by the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation in the “extracurricular project” category. The team, composed of 25 international students, worked on using...
4, 09 2020 | Our beneficiaries, Social openness and solidarity, Testimonials
< back to testimonials a micro-donation project to help the homeless Published on It was during a PIR (Project Innovation Research) carried out in the second year that the project to directly help the homeless by providing them with financial aid was born. Today...