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Drone Mermoz : first flight test realized !

Published on

23 Feb 2023

One step closer to carbon-free aviation, the first hydrogen gas-powered “Drone Mermoz” demonstrator has successfully completed its first radio-controlled flight on the Muret model airfield.

Several classes of Alumni have contributed to this beautiful project through their donations in the framework of Class Gift!

From drone to mermoz challenge

Developed by ISAE-SUPAERO in partnership with H3 DYNAMICS, the 4-meter wingspan demonstrator, a future electric drone that will fly in total autonomy, without emitting CO2 in flight, will have as its objective a real challenge. By 2025, the objective of the Défi Mermoz will be to make a crossing of the Atlantic Sid on the mythical tracks of the Aéropostale, linking Senegal to Brazil

Class gifts, donations from graduating classes to support school projects

It is with the aim of supporting this project developed by a team of ISAE-SUPAERO researchers and led by Professor Jean-Marc Moschetta that the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation has launched several Class Gifts since 2017. The goal is to support the various components of the project throughout its development. The fact that the first flight test of the Mermoz Drone has been carried out is a first great success, which we owe to all the parties involved in the project, including the many donors of the various Class Gifts!

The Class Gift having contributed in a way to the Drone Mermoz project

In 2017, the class of 1977 had gathered to participate in the rental of a LIDAR-type wind profiler: an essential wind profiler to perform aerology measurements that allow for correlation of on-board measurements and a better understanding of drone trajectories under certain conditions. This one had allowed to make the first experiments in flight.
11 650 € were collected by the donors of the class of 1977.

In 2020, the classes of 2020, 2000 and 1980 got together to contribute to the cost of purchasing a first LH2 tank for ground tests as well as a 200L filling station. Nearly 60 donors contributed, raising the sum of 27 550 €.

Other promotions are still mobilizing for the continuation of this adventure. In 2022 and over a period that will last until 2023, the classes of 2002, 2012, 1992 and 1982 are mobilizing to finance the purchase of a liquid hydrogen tank that will allow them to advance in the objective of this great crossing. You are part of the classes of 2002, 2012, 1992 and 1982 and you wish to contribute to the Mermoz Challenge? This is still possible for a few days before the Class Gift ends.

12,340 raised here 👉


To know the details of the precursory project “Drone Mermoz”, the continuation with the “Défi Mermoz” and all the partners involved in this large-scale project, go to the ISAE-SUPAERO website via this link !