20, 02 2023 | Event, News, OSE ISAE-SUPAERO, Our patrons in the spotlight
< back to articles 4th Edition of the Scholarship Award Ceremony Published on For the4th consecutive year, the ISAE-SUPAERO Foundation’s Annual Scholarship Award Ceremony was an opportunity to congratulate the new scholarship recipients. After the last two...
8, 02 2023 | Event, News, OSE ISAE-SUPAERO
< back to articles Women on campus! With OSE ISAE-SUPAERO Published on On January 19 and February 2, ISAE-SUPAERO welcomed middle and high school girls during two events co-organized by the Cordée OSE, ISAE-SUPAERO and the ISAElles Association. The goal? Awareness...
6, 02 2023 | Event, News, OSE ISAE-SUPAERO
< back to articles A successful 12th edition of the Entretiens de l’Excellence! Published on Organized on the ISAE-SUPAERO campus, this meeting allows young people to exchange with inspiring women professionals in order to enlighten them on the different...
13, 12 2022 | News, OSE ISAE-SUPAERO, Social openness and solidarity
< back to articles The Women’s Campus Course – OSE Published on The Institute’s Equal Opportunity Program, supported by the Foundation, implements a number of initiatives for middle and high school students to make engineering careers accessible...
28, 11 2022 | News, OSE ISAE-SUPAERO
< back to articles OSE INGÉ: the new student social opening scheme Published on OSE InGÉ is ISAE-SUPAERO’s new Student Social Opening program for scientific CPGE students. This program consists of personalized support for girls and scholarship students...
28, 11 2022 | News, OSE ISAE-SUPAERO
< back to articles ESA Class of 2022… 3 selected alumni Published on On November 23, 2022, ESA unveiled the European Astronaut Class of 2022. 3 ISAE SUPAERO alumni are among those selected: Sophie Adenot as a career astronaut, and Anthea Comellini and Arnaud...